Display: none; in case I need to bring it back
In short, I have the greatest job in the world. I get to combine my hobby with my day job. One colleague said I was similar to a Disney Imagineer. I get to explore technology and imagine how it can be applied to solve customer problems using the ServiceNow platform. This could lead to anything from breadboarding and programming custom Internet of Things (IoT) devices to designing high level architecture and best practices. As I learn things along the way, I share them with our customers, partners, and employees via videos, blogs, and podcasts.
What good is information if you cannot share it? Let’s face it, humans are social creatures (at least most of us are.) When possible, I prefer to meet in person and thanks to the Internet, this is made fairly easy. I regularly attend meet ups related to my work and hobbies. Each time I attend, I learn something new - and more importantly SOMEONE new.
When face to face meet ups are not possible, I take my message to social media, including podcasts. I’ve been creating new media content as a hobby and applying it to my career since 2004.
Several years ago a friend of mine and fellow podcaster, Tee Morris, asked me to co-author a book with him. When I asked him “Why did you choose me?” He responded “Because I’ve seen what you can do.” He was referring to volunteer work I had done for an online magazine. One thing led to another and I found myself on the cover of “Podcasting for Dummies” a few months later. A short time later, I was asked to do another book, “Teach Yourself WordPress in 10 Minutes”. In 2017, “Podcasting for Dummies” was updated to the 3rd edition with a 20 episode series of companion podcasts. My message, give, give, give, and good things will come back to you.
It’s contagious! C’mon, who didn’t like dressing up for Halloween when they were a kid? What about a costume party pretening to be someone, or something else? There’s still a child in all of us - even if that child dresses like a 164 year old man.
I’ve done several cosplays including Men in Black and Star Trek, but my favorite character is Professor Hubert Farnsworth from the cartoon Futurama. I, and several friends have been the closer for the Dragon Con Parade in Atlanta Georgia since 2014. It's definitely one of the highlights of my year.